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Cerberus Guardians

These are the Seven Guardians of the seven shards of the Satori Blade, the most powerful sword created outside of El's own hands. The shattered blade could not be destroyed, so King Moshia Saladin commissioned his most powerful warriors to protect the shards to prevent the sword from becoming whole again. To many though, they're just as fiercely powerful as the treasure they guard. Now, go get'em! 

17 year old son of a famous judge who has a rare gift of a powerful form of Glory. However, because of his privileged life, he had no motivation to do anything, which greatly disgusted his hard working father.  In an intense, frustrating argument with his father, Bakari swings at him only to strike his mother who attempted to break them up.  Furious, his father throws him in jail for 4 years. During this time, he makes a promise to himself to become a Cerberus, and make his father proud upon his release from prison. He fulfills his promise, but his father's hatred still remains. He pushes himself to terrifying limits to gain his approval. His passionate apology... 



As a child, her parents were killed in a farming accident. She was then taken into an abusive orphanage. Ruth was forced into hard labor, and as she got older the "caretakers" were attempting to sell her into prostitution to fund their growing aesthetic "Hero" drug. That's when Moshia Saladin came seemingly out of nowhere, thwarted their plans, and freed everyone. She pledged herself to him, and joined Saladin's team to save the world from Tyre. Ruth now is one of the most devoted Cerberus, and most feared.    



The son of Timgawd. He loves his father dearly...he was his hero. He wanted to see him succeed in his plans for world domination. However, the defeat suffered at the hands of Moshia has Peakokk plotting revenge and ultimately attempting to accomplish what his father could not. Thinking his father was dead after his epic conflict with Moshia, he trained obsessively to avenge him. When he learns that Timgawd is alive and became a Cerberus to defend the kingdom, and it throws him into great confusion. Peakokk then strives to become Cerberus for Moshia (who is now king), but as a powerful spy. When the father and son meet again, Peakokk is disgusted at his father's faith in the Cied El. Peakokk's plans have not changed at all. Why?

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